Poll: The Great Stallings Debate

Mike Vukovcan’s article on Kevin Stallings brought out a lot of strong feelings, both positive and negative, towards Pitt’s head coach. If you haven’t gotten a chance to read it, in short, Mike believes that firing Stallings now would be a bad look for the program, expensive, and set the team back even further. Because former coach Jamie Dixon left the program without any young talent to build around, Mike urged patience, even in the face of a possible winless ACC slate and declining attendance.
Trying to quantify the fan base’s feelings is hard, but there is definitely a vocal segment that wants Pitt to start fresh, ostensibly with a young hot-shot coach and not someone hired by Scott Barnes.
So what do you think? Can you ever support the team again? The empty seats at the Pete say that fans are staying away in droves. Is it Stallings, or just the losing record? Vote in our highly scientific poll and settle the debate once and for all (just kidding, the debate will literally never end.)