PITTSBURGH — Duquesne guard Mike Lewis II took a moment on Sunday to help some less fortunate than him.
In fact, according to Lewis, that’s a regular occurrence. Lewis said that he tries to something at least once a week to try to help someone else out.
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Sunday, he just happened to have one of his teammates with him that filmed his act of kindness and posted it to social media.
Lewis, a sophomore for the Dukes, noticed that there was a woman living out of her car on the street near his apartment. He took her some extra food that was left over after a game and had a few minutes of conversation with her.
Noticed a lady living in her car the past week and did what I could, don’t just walk past people if you can help do so 🙏🏾 #GodsPlanpic.twitter.com/xXmzSM0eso
For Lewis, it was only a few minutes out of his day. For the woman, it probably meant a whole lot more than that.
But the reason that Lewis usually keeps his good deeds to himself is that he doesn’t want to be seen as self-aggrandizing in the jaded world of social media. So even Lewis was taken aback by the overwhelmingly positive response to his Tweet, which now has over 7,000 retweets and 26,000 likes as of Tuesday night.
Lewis said the reason he decided to allow teammate Marko Krivacevic to film him was that he hoped his actions inspired others to find some good they can do in the world.
“The thing I liked about it is that it showed other people they can do some things,” Duquesne head coach Keith Dambrot said. “Mike’s a great kid and has a really good character.”
Here’s more from Lewis on what turned into a viral moment for the young basketball star.